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pset1 mario - hashes output

Here's a hint. How many hashes in the first row? The second row? The third row? Does the number of hashes in any given row have any relationship to the height of the pyramid? Or is the number of ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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PSET1 Mario pyramid - Can someone explain me the logic of this line of code?

What your code does is, for every time it increases i, it prints '#' 1 times more than i, followed by a /n (line break). To make right aligned, you need another for loop behind the 'loop for columns' ...
person the human's user avatar
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cs50 mario.c more check errors

Looks like check50 got a different file. Maybe you have forgotten to save, or you are in the wrong directory, one where you stored a solution to mario.less? check50 will always upload mario.c from ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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CS50 2017 Problem Set 6 For loop

I don't think it's a good idea to name the loop variable spaces when that name is already taken; that's probably where it goes wrong. Also, why don't you multiply the spaces like you did with the ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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