I'm working on my final project and when clicking on the link generated by the flask run command, I receive the following error: "builtins.NameError NameError: name 'usd' is not defined".
I don't know what the problem is (the beginning of my code it's very similar to the one of pset7/finance).
Would someone have an idea?
Following the code from my "application.py" file
from cs50 import SQL
from flask import Flask, flash, jsonify, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for
from flask_session import Session
from passlib.apps import custom_app_context as pwd_context
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from helpers import *
from datetime import date
import time
import math
# configure application
app = Flask(__name__)
# ensure responses aren't cached
if app.config["DEBUG"]:
def after_request(response):
response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
response.headers["Expires"] = 0
response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
return response
# custom filter
app.jinja_env.filters["usd"] = usd
# configure session to use filesystem (instead of signed cookies)
app.config["SESSION_FILE_DIR"] = mkdtemp()
app.config["SESSION_PERMANENT"] = False
app.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem"
# configure CS50 Library to use SQLite database
db = SQL("sqlite:///project.db")
def kitchen_cupboards():
"""Show what's in the users' kitchen_cupboards"""
# query database to get the goods' that are in the connected users' kitchen cupboards
cupboards = db.execute("SELECT goods_name, quantity, total_price, expiry_date FROM \
goods WHERE id = :id", id=session["user_id"])
# initialization of the variable to get the total amount of money present in the kitchen_cupboards
total_money_kitchen_cupboards = 0
for cupboard in cupboards:
# use of usd function for those values
total_money_kitchen_cupboards = total_money_kitchen_cupboards + cupboard["total_price"]
cupboard["total_price"] = usd(cupboard["total_price"])
# determining days left to eat goods before expiry date
year = int(cupboard["expiry_date"][0:4])
month = int(cupboard["expiry_date"][5:7])
day = int(cupboard["expiry_date"][8:10])
expiry_date_rebuild = date(year, month, day)
days_left = expiry_date_rebuild - date.today()
# addition of current price and global amount of the share (price*quantity) on indexs
cupboard['days_left'] = days_left.days
# use kitchen_cupboards.html to present values (Jinja use in this file)
return render_template("kitchen_cupboards.html", cupboards=cupboards,\
@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def login():
"""Log user in."""
# forget any user_id
# if user reached route via POST (as by submitting a form via POST)
if request.method == "POST":
# ensure username was submitted
if not request.form.get("username"):
return apology("You must provide a username")
# ensure password was submitted
elif not request.form.get("password"):
return apology("You must provide a password")
# query database for username
rows = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username", username=request.form.get("username"))
# ensure username exists and password is correct
if len(rows) != 1 or not pwd_context.verify(request.form.get("password"), rows[0]["hash"]):
return apology("invalid username and/or password")
# remember which user has logged in
session["user_id"] = rows[0]["id"]
# redirect user to the kitchen_cupboards home page
return redirect(url_for("kitchen_cupboards"))
# else if user reached route via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect)
return render_template("login.html")
def logout():
"""Log user out."""
# forget any user_id
# redirect user to login form
return redirect(url_for("login"))
@app.route("/register", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def register():
# if user reached route via POST (as by submitting a form via POST)
if request.method == "POST":
# ensure username field isn't blank
if not request.form.get("username"):
return apology("You must provide a username")
# ensure password & password confirmation fields aren't blank
elif not request.form.get("password") or not request.form.get("password_confirmation"):
return apology("You must provide a password and the confirmation of it")
# ensure that password & password confirmation are the same
elif (request.form.get("password")!=request.form.get("password_confirmation")):
return apology("Password & password confirmation must be the same!")
# hash the password
# check if username exists
db_username = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username", username=request.form.get("username"))
if not db_username:
# add user to the database
result=db.execute("INSERT INTO users (username, hash) VALUES(:username, :hash)", username=request.form.get("username"), hash=hash)
# log the user automatically after he registered
return redirect(url_for("kitchen_cupboards"))
return apology("The username already exists, pick another one please")
return render_template("register.html")
@app.route("/add_goods", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def add_goods():
"""Add goods to the kitchen_cupboards"""
if request.method == "POST":
goods_name = request.form.get("goods_name")
quantity = int(request.form.get("quantity"))
unit_price = float(request.form.get("price"))
expiry_date = request.form.get("expiry_date")
if not goods_name:
return apology("You must provide a goods name in order to had it in your kitchen_cupboards")
elif quantity <= 0:
return apology("The quantity must be a positive integer")
elif unit_price <= 0:
return apology("The unit price must be a positive integer")
if not expiry_date:
return apology("You must specify the goods' expiry date in order to had it in your kitchen_cupboards")
total_price = quantity * unit_price
# query goods table to check if the goods is already in the kitchen_cupboards
goods_query=db.execute("SELECT * FROM goods WHERE id=:id AND goods_name=:goods_name",\
id=session["user_id"], goods_name=goods_name)
if not goods_query:
# query barcode table to check if the goods exists to get the JSON
barcode=db.execute("SELECT * FROM barcode WHERE goods_name=:goods_name", goods_name=goods_name)
# add the goods to the 'goods' table
goods=db.execute("INSERT INTO goods (id, goods_name, quantity, total_price, expiry_date)\
VALUES(:id, :goods_name, :quantity, :total_price, :expiry_date)", \
id=session["user_id"], goods_name=goods_name, quantity=quantity, total_price=total_price,\
# update 'goods' table
goods_update=db.execute("UPDATE goods SET quantity=quantity+:quantity, total_price=total_price+:total_price,\
expiry_date=:expiry_date WHERE id=:id AND goods_name=:goods_name", \
quantity=quantity, total_price=total_price, expiry_date=expiry_date,\
id=session["user_id"], goods_name=goods_name)
# query barcode table to check if the goods exists to get the JSON
query_barcode=db.execute("SELECT * FROM barcode WHERE goods_name=:goods_name", goods_name=goods_name)
# use of the barcode function defined in helpers.py to get the JSON associated to the goods
return jsonify(goods_barcode)
return render_template("add_goods.html")
return render_template("add_goods.html")
def chart():
"""Defining chart to see the evolution of waste for 2017"""
money_loss = {}
money_loss["January"] = 0
money_loss["February"] = 0
money_loss["March"] = 0
money_loss["April"] = 0
money_loss["May"] = 0
money_loss["June"] = 0
money_loss["July"] = 0
money_loss["August"] = 0
money_loss["September"] = 0
money_loss["October"] = 0
money_loss["November"] = 0
money_loss["December"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_February"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_March"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_April"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_May"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_June"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_July"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_August"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_September"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_October"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_November"] = 0
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_December"] = 0
# query 'threw' table to get threw date and associated total price
threws = db.execute("SELECT threw_date, total_price FROM threw WHERE id = :id", id=session["user_id"])
for threw in threws:
year = int(threw["threw_date"][0:4])
# check that the waste was done in 2017
if year == 2017:
# determining month of waste for evolution over time graphs
month = int(threw["threw_date"][5:7])
if month == 1:
money_loss["January"] = money_loss["January"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 2:
money_loss["February"] = money_loss["February"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 3:
money_loss["March"] = money_loss["March"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 4:
money_loss["April"] = money_loss["April"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 5:
money_loss["May"] = money_loss["May"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 6:
money_loss["June"] = money_loss["June"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 7:
money_loss["July"] = money_loss["July"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 8:
money_loss["August"] = money_loss["August"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 9:
money_loss["September"] = money_loss["September"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 10:
money_loss["October"] = money_loss["October"] + threw["total_price"]
elif month == 11:
money_loss["November"] = money_loss["November"] + threw["total_price"]
money_loss["December"] = money_loss["December"] + threw["total_price"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_February"] = money_loss["January"] + money_loss["February"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_March"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_February"] + money_loss["March"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_April"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_March"] + money_loss["April"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_May"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_April"] + money_loss["May"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_June"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_May"] + money_loss["June"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_July"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_June"] + money_loss["July"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_August"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_July"] + money_loss["August"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_September"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_August"] + money_loss["September"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_October"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_September"] + money_loss["October"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_November"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_October"] + money_loss["November"]
money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_December"] = money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_November"] + money_loss["December"]
labels = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]
values = [money_loss["January"],money_loss["February"],money_loss["March"],money_loss["April"],money_loss["May"],\
money_loss["November"], money_loss["December"]]
max_values = (math.ceil(max(values))) + 1
steps = math.ceil(max_values/2)
values_2 = [money_loss["January"],money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_February"],money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_March"],money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_April"],money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_May"], money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_June"],money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_July"],money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_August"],money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_September"],money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_October"], money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_November"], money_loss["Total_Money_Loss_December"]]
max_values_2 = (math.ceil(max(values_2))) + 1
steps_2 = math.ceil(max_values_2/2)
return render_template('chart.html', values=values, labels=labels, values_2=values_2, steps_2=steps_2, max_values_2=max_values_2, steps=steps, max_values=max_values)
@app.route("/ate_goods", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def ate_goods():
"""Ate goods to be removed from the kitchen_cupboards"""
if request.method == "POST":
goods_name = request.form.get("goods_name")
quantity = int(request.form.get("quantity"))
if not goods_name:
return apology("You must provide a goods name in order to had it in your kitchen_cupboards")
elif quantity <= 0:
return apology("The quantity must be a positive integer")
# query database to get total value associated to a good
query_goods = db.execute("SELECT goods_name, quantity, total_price FROM \
goods WHERE id = :id AND goods_name = :goods_name", id=session["user_id"], goods_name=goods_name)
if not query_goods:
return apology("The goods' name you entered is not present in the kitchen cupboards")
elif query_goods[0]['quantity'] < quantity:
return apology("You don't have the quantity that you want to withdraw in your kitchen cupboards")
average_value = query_goods[0]['total_price'] / query_goods[0]['quantity']
total_value_withdraw = quantity * average_value
# update 'goods' table
goods=db.execute("UPDATE goods SET quantity=quantity-:quantity, total_price=total_price-:total_value_withdraw\
WHERE id=:id AND goods_name=:goods_name", \
quantity=quantity, total_value_withdraw=total_value_withdraw, id=session["user_id"], goods_name=goods_name)
return render_template("ate_goods.html")
return render_template("ate_goods.html")
@app.route("/threw_goods", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def threw_goods():
"""Threw goods to be removed from the kitchen_cupboards"""
if request.method == "POST":
goods_name = request.form.get("goods_name")
quantity = int(request.form.get("quantity"))
if not goods_name:
return apology("You must provide a goods name in order to had it in your kitchen_cupboards")
elif quantity <= 0:
return apology("The quantity must be a positive integer")
# query database to get total value associated to a good
query_goods = db.execute("SELECT goods_name, quantity, total_price FROM \
goods WHERE id = :id AND goods_name = :goods_name", id=session["user_id"], goods_name=goods_name)
if not query_goods:
return apology("The goods' name you entered is not present in the kitchen cupboards")
elif query_goods[0]['quantity'] < quantity:
return apology("You don't have the quantity that you want to withdraw in your kitchen cupboards")
average_value = query_goods[0]['total_price'] / query_goods[0]['quantity']
total_value_withdraw = quantity * average_value
threw_date = date.today()
# update 'goods' table
goods=db.execute("UPDATE goods SET quantity=quantity-:quantity, total_price=total_price-:total_value_withdraw\
WHERE id=:id AND goods_name=:goods_name", \
quantity=quantity, total_value_withdraw=total_value_withdraw, id=session["user_id"], goods_name=goods_name)
# insert into the 'threw' table
threw=db.execute("INSERT INTO threw (id, goods_name, quantity, total_price, threw_date)\
VALUES(:id, :goods_name, :quantity, :total_value_withdraw, :threw_date)", \
id=session["user_id"], goods_name=goods_name, quantity=quantity, total_value_withdraw=total_value_withdraw,\
return render_template("threw_goods.html")
return render_template("threw_goods.html")