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Lost trying to figure out sentiments PSET 6 2017

I need some help with pset6 I'm basically lost trying to figure out what I should be doing. I have my analyzer code which doesn't return any errors when I run it but at the same time returns no output ...
Dave G's user avatar
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How to check if certain token is in the file in

I have implementing (in my understanding) I am confused after dividing a tweet into tokens how to check them if they are available in "negative" or "positive", my question is "Is there a ...
Ahmed Raza's user avatar
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49 views cant store string in my dictionary

For some reason when i run the following python code I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ubuntu/workspace/pset6/sentiments/", line 20, in init ...
kevin's user avatar
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Pset6 analyzer getting positive words from text and turning them into a string

I'm trying to get the analyzer function to work and I'm really just not fully understanding what to do and how to do it. I think I need to take each line of the text files and have put into a string. ...
Joel Banks's user avatar
2 votes
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Why am I getting TypeError: expected string or buffer?

This is my tweets file #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys from analyzer import Analyzer from termcolor import colored from helpers import get_user_timeline def ...
Cristian's user avatar
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Error in pset6 API Key not set

I'm getting this error, I have been working to make it work but i can't. I followed the instructions on setting up the API_KEY value: Traceback (most recent call last): File "tweets", line 25, in ...
Josué Oswaldo Arreola Vargas's user avatar
3 votes
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Instance of 'Analyzer' has no 'tokenizer' member

tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(text) I have the same code as in the walkthrough, yet I'm getting the error in the title.
Cristian's user avatar
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Pset6 Tweets output score and color different to staff version

My Tweets function can output score and tweet from Tweeter user. However, the output is a bit different to the staff version's output. I find that some words with first character capitalized are not ...
eddiewong's user avatar
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Why am I getting SyntaxError: invalid syntax when I'm running ./smile?

with open("positive-words.txt") as text_file: file = for line in file: if not file.startswith(';') and not file.startswith(' '): self.positives.add(...
Cristian's user avatar
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PSET6 2016 - Says all is neutral

When I tested tweets after implementing, I found that it said that every single tweet was neutral (The twitter account I used was @realDonaldTrump). I believe it has something to do with ...
SuperNovaCoder's user avatar
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pset6 sentiments PYTHON analyze

Hello stack overflow I am really having trouble with sentiments as I feel like I put the write functions down but it is not working. A question that I have is can someone help me understand how the ...
Roundabout's user avatar
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PSET6 Loading Positive/Negative Words in Analyzer

I'm trying to get ./smile to work before moving on to tweets using just one word as input to check it my words are loading correctly. I structured the first function similar to how it is done in ...
George Wright's user avatar
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pset6: why is my version of the analyzer not working?

For, I think my code works for defining the first part: instantiation of the analyzer, but not for defining the second: analyze. Please see the failing part of my code below. Also, I have ...
Alex Chan's user avatar
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Pset6 not incrementing counter

I've checked over my code many times for errors, but everything looks logically sound to me. For some reason, "counter" in the analyze method will never change, which means that my conditional ...
Jason_V's user avatar
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pset6-analyzer: Please, can someone help me out. Analyzer gives me this error!

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./smile", line 6, in from analyzer import Analyzer File "/home/ubuntu/workspace/sentiments/", line 1, in import nltk
doublestanding's user avatar
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Pset6 - - Says Undeclared Function

I declared a function called load_words above init() to load in the words. However, when I call my function in init(), it gives the error name 'load_words' is undefined at the lines where I call ...
SuperNovaCoder's user avatar