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'cs50.h' file not found [Mac]

I have installed cs50.h to my usr/local/include folder and libcs50.a to the usr/local/include folder however neither clang nor gcc are able to find it, giving the error: hello.c:2:10: fatal error: '...
Robert Woods's user avatar
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I want to unload cs50 appliance from my machine

Now I'm done with CS50, I'd like to unload the Appliance, but have no idea how to. I can clear the VM easily enough, but suspect that may leave Gb of appliance clutter on my disc. Oddly, even Google ...
Tim Durbridge's user avatar
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VirtualBox: Failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_VMM_SMAP_BUT_AC_CLEAR)

I received this error while trying to set up VirtualBox on a MacBook Pro to use with CS50 Appliance 2014. It doesn't match the other errors listed in the CS50 manual. I had received the adapter error ...
leanne's user avatar
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Problems with Appliance after Yosemite upgrade

Does anybody else have problems with the appliance after upgrading OS X to Yosemite (10.10)? I keep on getting these kind of screens. When I command-tab out of it, and command-tab in again, it looks ...
Jesse's user avatar
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VMware Fusion Compatibility with OSX Snow Leopard

I have MacOS 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) and it seems VMware Fusion 6 is not compatible with it. Do you know where I can find VMware Fusion 5 and get a free license for it? Will I be able to use CS50 ...
Jerome Frugier's user avatar
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Running breakout on Mac OS X

There's a similar question about running breakout on Linux variants: Can't run Breakout outside of appliance My question is specifically about compiling breakout (and hence SPL) on Mac OS X. So ...
Luke Van In's user avatar
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