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Questions tagged [password]

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1 answer

Modifying a Scrabble algorithm to build a password tool,

I'm trying to update it from using the string library to using char*, but it keeps giving me an error while trying to use get_char while compiling. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #...
Stevek's user avatar
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Key error(hash) in login function

If len (rows) != 1 or not check_password_hash (rows [0]["hash"], request.form.get ("password")): Return apology ("invalid username and/or password") The following ...
Pragati Chauhan's user avatar
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Password leak in finance

I'm running into an issue on finance. Whenever I register a new account a google alert pops up and tells me that my password has been leaked and that I should change it. Is anyone else running into ...
Renée's user avatar
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PSet2 - Decrypted Password the Same Every Time

On Pset2, I feel like I am so close to finally finishing this project up. I am working on the crack one and no matter what password I input, the same password, ZZZZ returns. Where could I possibly be ...
Jacob Pieczynski's user avatar
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IDE is not letting me hash the password. Should I change th hashing algorithm as it tells me to?

I implemented the register function for pset7. It went to the register page that I had implemented. I gave the required credentials and clicked Register. But instead of registering with the ...
Amol Venkataraman's user avatar
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1 answer

Password confirmation not working

I know this is probably just a question of not understanding the documentation, but when registering a user, my password confirmation redirects to the apology, "both passwords must match". Following ...
KitSeason's user avatar
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2 answers

Password for phpLiteAdmin

I am requested to enter a password for phpLiteAdmin. I was following steps from the lecture, intro to phpliteadmin. After I inserted a new row ("name", "dorm") into the table registrants, I got this ...
wingedRuslan's user avatar