Im currently experiencing a problem with the Oracle VM and CS50 2014 appliance. The VMware starts fine, but when I try to initialize the appliance, it comes up with the error - 'HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3' (VERR_SUPDRV_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND) I have adapter 3 de-activated on advice from other questions. it will not allow me to restore adapter 3 to on status, giving the error that it is an >invalid setting"<". Any suggestions here? I have tried everything I can think of or find, so far no love.
1 Answer
You need to have a host-only adapter (vboxnet0) in VirtualBox. Each of the three adapters (including NAT, which is how you access the web) should be enabled and show "Cable Connected"). Most of the time, if you simply accept the VirtualBox defaults, it will work fine.