I am starting the Hello project for cs50 and I made a small mistake in my starting code. In attempting to fix my error, I dug myself deeper into a hole (or a chasm) of mistakes. I think it would be the simplest solution to reset all the files and folders I have made so far. Is there a way to reset the entire program and start anew? I have found accounts online of people accidentally deleting all their work, which is ironic because I can't even do it on purpose lol.
1 Answer
A simple restart of the container instance via CS50 IDE > Restart
(the top left corner menu) should in theory revert all files and changes except on /home/ubuntu
. If do do wish to delete all files on /home/ubuntu
the command rm -rf /home/ubuntu/*
should help. Do keep in mind that the aforementioned command rm
is irreversible.