The problem sets advise that one can play with the staff’s implementation of the problem set xyz by executing ~cs50/pset1/xyz.

But I cannot figure out how to access the ~cs50 directory. Everything I see in Cloud9 is under the ~workspace directory.


1 Answer 1


So let's take pset1, if you copy the code they provide (eg for mario it's ~cs50/pset1/mario) can copy that into the terminal at the bottom of the IDE screen, it will run mario.

For all of the staff solutions, those paths copied and pasted will allow you to run the staff's solution to the problem to see how a finished program should look.

So basically just copy and paste it and it will run:

~/workspace $ ~cs50/pset1/mario
Height: 5
~/workspace $ 
  • Thanks so much. Could've sworn I tried that without success. In any event, it is working now, so thanks again!
    – Zachronius
    Commented Oct 21, 2016 at 17:47

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