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$.getJSON request for articles not working

I'm getting a bit confused about what I need to do here to retrieve my articles in scripts.js from /articles to display on my marker. I have done ample reading about AJAX and $.getJSON, but still ...
soonthoj's user avatar
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Mashup: javascript variable doesn't retain value

I am trying to implement addMarkers function and calling "/articles" endpoint to get JSON data. However, while creating infoWindow javascript variable loses value. function addMarker(place) { var ...
jainilvachhani's user avatar
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pset8 addMarker - markers not showing on map

When I run flask and open the map, I can't view the markers on the map. Is there something wrong with my addMarker function? Thank you. // Add marker for place to map function addMarker(place) { //...
Prav Elan's user avatar
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mashup: add marker does not render infowindow

My code successfully creates markers that pop up throughout the view of the map. However, upon clicking, there is no info map that pops up. The terminal does show that the server receives the command ...
faelesterio's user avatar
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Pset 8 - Jquery of addMarker

I'm having some issues displaying the list of articles on my marker. I've definitely managed to get it to work and display things inside, but I think there's an issue with the syntax on my jquery ...
user avatar
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Mashup: removeMarkers not removing markers? PLEASE HELP

Salutations good people, Been hacking away at Mashup for far too long on one issue after the next. Now my program works almost exactly as the staff solution, but I've noticed when dragging/zooming ...
Foxhole's user avatar
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Can't get articles on my marker, and city markers are persisting

function addMarker(place) { // Create marker var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: {lat: place.latitude, lng: place.longitude}, map: map, title: place["...
Sam The Man's user avatar
1 vote
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Mashup, how to add label outside the icons?

code var LatLng = {lat: place.latitude, lng: place.longitude}; var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: LatLng, map: map, title: place.place_name + ", " + place.admin_name1, label: place....
Nazariy Kushnir's user avatar
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2 answers

pset8 can't loop through JSON

I can't get my infowindow to show up a list of news and their links. I know that /articles?geo=[value'] will return a JSON but I can't loop through this JSON in InfoWindow. My code for addMarker is: ...
Ha Tran's user avatar
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Pset8: Please help, all my markers and news disappeared (Other peoples code don't work either)

Context: Update:* Checked other peoples code( on the web and their icons are not showing up either. I also noticed that the staff implementation now no longer have ...
nvs0000's user avatar
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pset8: javascript: addMarker clarification for showInfo function

In pset8, I have thought out 2 solutions for showing the information window when the user clicks on the marker. google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { showInfo(...
Ckoh's user avatar
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pset8 addMarker - unable to display contents of JSON inside info window

I'm struggling with this part of Pset8. I've written the code to add markers to my map, and to create an info window that opens when I click the marker. I can get a string of content into the window ...
Matt Friend's user avatar
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problems with markers on addmarkers pset8

I'm currently working on pset8 and I'm having a problem with addMarkers(). So, I can get my markers to show on my map, but they only appear once I zoom out until the map shows the whole world (I need ...
tishihar's user avatar
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Pset8: add marker, article links not clickable

I got through most of the portions into showInfo and was able to have the titles display and I am even able to get an underline that looks like a link, however, they are not clickable. Can someone ...
nvs0000's user avatar
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How to create unordered list with title and link in addMarker?

As Zamyla's walk though explains, I want to display the articles as a set of links and titles so the user can easily see which articles to choose. I'm having trouble implementing the appropriate ...
dumbitdownjr's user avatar
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CS50 Pset8: Final Questions before Wrap-Up

After pulling multiple allnighters I have finally submitted my last problem set before turning to the final project. I hope someone can shed some light on my last questions in regard to problem set 8 ...
Alex Chan's user avatar
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CS50 Pset8: Info Window Not Showing

I have been working on addMarker() from scripts.js and was stuck at the second half of the prompt. My markers and labels are showing perfectly, however, the info windows are not popping up when I ...
Alex Chan's user avatar
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CS50 pset8 addMarker Getjson not working

I got "success" in the console which mean getjson returning an object. I try assign it to a var name news and put in back in showInfo but showInfo always output a loading image which mean typeof news ...
Chhuon SahakThun's user avatar
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pset8 addMarker JSON question

I'm struggling with pset8 quite a bit during the addMarker function. I try to access the JSON object returned from articles() but I can't seem to understand how to access it. I've tried JSON.parse(),...
Chris Wolf's user avatar
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Where to start in addMarker() function?

Hello, everyone. All tasks befor addMarker were done, and results are true, as I can see. I'm working on function addMarker(), and I don't really understand how it should work. I'm not very strong ...
Илья Шулика's user avatar
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pset8 mashup - markers not showing up in map

Is there anything wrong with the code below? The markers are not showing up in the map. function addMarker(place) { var latLng = {lat: parseFloat(place.latitude), lng: parseFloat(place.longitude)}; ...
Vikrant Pradhan's user avatar
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pset8 addMarker undefined in info window

I can show markers on the map and open info window when clicked the markers. However, the info window cannot show the list of articles, instead it only shows a bulletpoint and "undefined". From the ...
eddiewong's user avatar
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2 answers


Every time I run the webserver the markers are not displayed when i use MarkerWithLabel. In the developer tool, the error is undefined MarkerWithLabel. From the documentation of MarkerWithLabel, I ...
Albert Jose's user avatar
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PSET8: addMarker not getting called

I am doing the 2017 version of this course which uses Python instead of PHP. My addMarker function doesn't seem to get called however if I execute the same commands in the Chrome Dev Console, the ...
Rushil Grover's user avatar
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CS50 Mashup: addMarker clarification

Been struggling with pset8 for a few days now. I've many problems here but I guess the main one is I'm not seeing my markers properly, not to mention that the infoWindow isn't happening... I've some ...
Gordon's user avatar
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pset8- AddMarker need help with function

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? It seems to still not even work even for any of the console commands to check, so apparently my getJSON is not working. function addMarker(place) { ...
tadm123's user avatar
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pset8- AddMarkers, not even working to for a simple console.log() test

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code? It seems like a simple debug test with console.log() isn't even executing properly: function addMarker(place) { $.getJSON(Flask.url_for("...
tadm123's user avatar
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2 answers

pset8 addmaker news content

I have a very waried error, and I don't now how to solve it. I have crossed around, searched for the same problem, tried to implement other appoaches, but nothing couldn't help me. This is my code: ...
LeVl's user avatar
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3 answers

Pset8: How to set label position and font?

How to set label position and style? I tried new google.maps.Marker and new MarkerWithLabel. But both didn't work. Here is my current map: Here is my code: function addMarker(place) { // TODO ...
Kevin King's user avatar
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pset8 addMarker click event opens info window on wrong marker

I am trying to finish my addMarker function for my pset8 and am having an difficult time getting the click event listener to work properly. I can get my Markers to add to the map, then when I click on ...
Tyler Gotto's user avatar
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PSET8 Problem with infoWindow from addMarker() function

This is my code: function addMarker(place) { var opts = { position: {lat: parseFloat(place.latitude), lng: parseFloat(place.longitude)}, map: map, title: place.place_name ...
Carlos C's user avatar
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addMarker() adding exact news of clicked place but on one marker

I don't know what is the problem in this code. When I click on a marker, it opens exact news on that location in an info window. But when I click on some other marker, it displays the info window on ...
Haripriya R's user avatar
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Pset8: addMarker not working

I read google doc on markers and tried to integrate the sample code into mine. But it doesn't work. The markers don't display. What's wrong with my code? Thank you! function addMarker(place) { // ...
Kevin King's user avatar
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Pset8: One reference link on addmarker in the spec is broken

The link in the spec about addmarker is broken. What is the new url? Thanks!
Kevin King's user avatar
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trouble with addMarker in pset8. getJSON seems to work but I'm not getting results

This is my code: marker.addListener('click', function(){ var content = ""; var query = {geo: place.place_name}; $.getJSON("articles.php", query) .done(function(data, textStatus, ...
Margherita Bonaldi's user avatar
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pset8 infowindow shows up only after click twice

I have spent hours but still could not figure out why info-window would not show up on the first click. The correct info-window will show up only after the second click. Then for the rest of the info-...
zliu's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add labels to Markers?

How to add labels (with place's name) to Markers? All the links I found are linked to 404 page. From StackOverflow Walkthrough's link
Sergey Ryabov's user avatar
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pset8 addmarker info window

guys this is how far i went in my add marker function i can get the object and every thing is working just the way i want but i have no idea on how to add the info window . any tip on where to start ...
islam zidan's user avatar
2 votes
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Pset8 AddMarker not working - update.php returns invalid JSON?

I'm having some trouble with pset8 in that my addMarker function is not working. To me, it looks correct and I've gone through the documentation several times to make sure but the markers simply aren'...
Kelly O'Flaherty's user avatar
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pset8 mashup addmarker

I cannot seem to be able to add markers to the map. Search works fine and the map loads alright. Here is my code, could you please help me figure out what is wrong. Thanks! function addMarker(place)...
sasha1's user avatar
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pset8 infoWindow appearing with wrong marker

I have everything working with addMarker() except for the fact that the infoWindow pops up in the wrong spot, as in the last marker that was loaded. I found the link below which seems relevant and the ...
Sam's user avatar
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Pset8: addMarker: markers not appearing but marker icon is loaded in Developer Tools

in mashup, the markers are not appearing, although they appear to be loading in my Network tab in Developer Tools. Here is my addMarker function. function addMarker(place) { // TODO var lat ...
Useful_Investigator's user avatar
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mashup addMarker click event not working pset8

When I load mashup the markers' info box show up as the page loads and then won't respond to clicks. I can make it work by changing the code to the bottom (but that doesn't use the spec for making ...
Norcim133's user avatar
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pset8 addMarker trouble getting lat lng

The below sets a marker if I hard-code the latitude and longitude. I want to instead pass it dynamically using place (an associative array) but I can't seem to make it work (I get errors saying I ...
Norcim133's user avatar
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How to successfully add marker in pset8 mashup?

Help! I have 5 days left and I am trying to finish up pset8. Thankfully, I have already finished the final project, and I have done most of this pset8. However, making the marker a link to articles....
AWATHIEU's user avatar
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help needed on pset8, addMarker requirements

Finishing up pset8 and I'm having difficulties understanding exactly what is required (the instructions I find to be quite unclear particularly re addmarker). I assume that addmarker is to display ...
Lulu Machete's user avatar
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No markers visible

I don't know why no markers are visible till now, I thought "label" was causing this then changed it to "labels" but nothing changed. Is there any mistake? function addMarker(place) { var ...
Amr Magdy Abdelhamid Sharaf's user avatar
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pset8 - addMarker/showInfo - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'gm_bindings_'

It seems like I am really close to finishing my implementation of addMarker. I'm using markers with labels, I've got the articles loaded into an JSON object, and I've created the content to pass to ...
MrLeo's user avatar
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pset8 info window does not displaying news links

function addMarker(place) { // TODO: Add a marker on the place at map. markers = place; var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng (parseFloat(markers.latitude), parseFloat(markers.longitude)); ...
sandeep sihari's user avatar
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addMarker pset8 mashup JSON not returning data

I have successfully implemented the event listener for add marker and am able to display strings when a marker is clicked. However, I cannot workout why my $.getJSON code that brings articles data is ...
AlastairHoward's user avatar