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Not able to link cs50x with Edx

I'm new here. I just started the Edx cs50 course and submitted the first problem. When I go to I get to see the following error: Your account is not yet linked with edX. ...
edxeve's user avatar
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How can I use debug50 when it says "Command not found" every time I try to run it?

I am using cs50 sandbox and have tried to use debug50 over the past few weeks with no luck; I keep googling, watching CS50 videos, not just Professor Malan's lectures, but also Professor Doug Lloyd's ...
littlefish123's user avatar
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CS50 2019 Verified Certificate Missing

I recently tried downloading my certificate from the cs50 Introduction to computer science 2019 course. However I can only find the 2020/2021 course and am not able to download my certificate anymore.
Jay Leimer's user avatar
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Errors on Mario pyramid

I thought had solved the Mario Pyramid problem until I got back all these errors :( handles a height of 1 correctly Cause expected ""# #"", not "" # # ..." :( handles a height of 2 ...
Nelson Stewart-Johnson's user avatar
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Project0 bot marks

I am doing a course called Web Development with Python and JavaScript, i did my project0 and submitted it. After a few days i got an email from c50 bot as shown in the image, i cant understand it ...
Peter Heri's user avatar
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CS50 Pset1 credit

after 2 days and half i did it it's tricky at first but this problem made me understand loops and array much deeper , the question is my code is good as style and design ? any ideas should consider ...
Hassan Abdelazeam's user avatar
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Linking edX account error

I started the CS50 course recently and keep being notified to link my account with my edX account. When I attempt to link the accounts through the link below I am presented with the error ...
coapacetic's user avatar
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2 answers

Pset 3 (Recover): Why are images still glitchy?

I've been having trouble with pset3's Recover exercise. My code successfully compiles and creates 50 jpegs, numbered 000 to 049. However, all images are terribly glitchy. Examples: I've scoured the ...
Razvra's user avatar
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Mario error: expected ';' at end of declaration...all solutions i've found fail

i've been wasting hours going round in circles. Frustrating that first steps of learning are this hard.][4] i;ve removed the semi-colon and moved the curly hash together and separetely to no avail.
lnuikcek85's user avatar
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Project 1 Stuck on WHERE clause for Searching Books

I am working on Project 1 for CS50W on EdX. I am building the book search Flask app. My problem is with building the SQL SELECT statement utilizing the WHERE clause depending on the search fields. I ...
Alexander Babenchuk's user avatar
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1 answer

edx course missing pset3?

I am not sure where else to ask this. I am taking the class on edx and Week 3 is linking to pset4. Looks like Week 4 is linking to pset5. I assume it's the same for the rest of the lectures. Does ...
Brandy B's user avatar
2 votes
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CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript on edx project submission

On the following course on edx: CS50's Mobile App Development with React Native CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript I have been trying to submit the project work but it is "Coming Soon!" ...
Buari Bola's user avatar
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Writing the .wav file fails with command-line notes

I have verified that my frequency(note) function returns the correct frequency as an int. However, when I attempt to write out using the "command-line note entry" testing scenario described (and yes ...
bencodesall's user avatar
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Can I complete CS50 for a verified certificate after 31 Dec via Edx?

I don't know if I can make the CS50 course by 31 Dec. I planned to get a certificate. What would happen if I upgrade the course to get a verified certificate and then not finish it this year, but some ...
Chris's user avatar
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ETA for November-completion certificates for CS50x?

Good morning & Happy December! With the new month and having completed all of my psets and the final project, I was hopeful to find a new button to "View Certificate" by now and celebrate my ...
adengle's user avatar
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Unable to submit problem set 0 on edX

When I click the submit link, it takes me to the Week's 0 video short on Scratch. Where I can submit it?
Creative D's user avatar
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Why can't I download CS50 videos offline on edX iPhone app?

Used to be able to download videos, is this a bug? If intentional, why?
JBallin's user avatar
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Can anyone explain that attendence algoritm of week 0 lecture?

The week 0 lecture of CS50 edx. I was not able to understand how did we come to 546 student.
Rishabh Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the Advantage of Verified Certificate in CS50

Hello World, I have started the course CS50 as Honor Code. I would like to know what Advantage can I get if I opt. for Verified Certificate. I belong to a economically weak family, so I want to be ...
Progyan Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Verified Certificate

Hey I have completed CS50 , and received grade for my final project, Do I get a mail that I have completed CS50 and how long before I receive my certificate?
Prabhdeep Singh's user avatar
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edX verified certificate: is it a paper certificate? Is it worth it?

I searched for this kind of information, but I couldn't understand if the edX verified certificate is just a file or they send it via ordinary post. Do you think is it worth to buy that certificate ...
Mirko Salaris's user avatar
5 votes
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Final project question proposal

I am currently taking the CS50x online version of the class. I was wondering for the final project, are we held to the same expectations as those taking the CS50 class? The reason I ask is because the ...
DYZ's user avatar
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When can I get 2015 CS50 certificate from edX

I get my final project's grade today and all my problem sets are 1.0 grade. So I wonder why there does not have a link to my certificate in edX? When can I get that? Since I pretty much want to use ...
Jingyue Shen's user avatar
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Uploading to

hey guys trying to upload files to but cannot login .. I logged into edx with my google account and i am having problems.. any ideas ?
Lucas 's user avatar
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Resize help... before I punch my laptop

I ran peek and I'm all good in that department. However, my images are not sizing appropriately. Here's what I have. I've talked through this multiple times and I can't seem to figure it out. Please ...
blueridge1005's user avatar
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clock_watchdog_timeout error

I am running Windows 10 with VMWare and the latest version of the CS50 appliance for the edX version of the course. It had been working fine, but then a couple weeks ago when I executed the "update50" ...
Andy Hall's user avatar
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edX Gradebook: Are my psets graded or not?

I can't understand if my psets are graded or not. There is a "1.0" at the right, but on the top right corner it says "Ungraded". Additional information: - I'm taking the course through edX - I attach ...
Mirko Salaris's user avatar
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How to get certification from edX?

I am new to edX and i want to know how to get certificate from edX and what is Audit the course and how to do it ?? and we have to do to audit the course. What is Honorcode Certificate, Verified ...
Aevi's user avatar
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When do the CS50 lectures get updated?

Ok i could not find a straight answer, so well got to ask. So cs50x is recorded lectures from Harvard's cs50 fall class, as far as I understand. So as of right now the cs50x lectures would be fall ...
Wiseoak's user avatar
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Resize only works when n % 4 = 0, when n = 1 or when i resize a 2x2-pixel BMP and n =2

I don't know exactly where is the problem. Resize gives me a bunch of different colors when n % 4 !=0. Can you guys help me understand what I'm doing wrong? // iterate over infile's scanlines { //...
Paulo Loyola's user avatar
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Topics not covered in lectures

I've (quite literally) started to learn programming through CS50 and am currently at the end of the week 2 lectures. I'm having a problem that I seem to miss some concepts not explicitly explained ...
JinSunYoo's user avatar
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Transitioned from cs50x 2014 to cs50x 2015 & need help with directory issue

I started cs50edx in 2014 & took a long break over year-end. When I returned, edx guided me towards the new cs50x 2015. There were pset changes from 2014 to 2015, and I can't figure out how to ...
Robert Feduniak's user avatar
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pset2 Caesar - check50 problem :(

Good day beautiful people :) So this is my problem: I did some research and all i could find is check50 messing up when people keep printing "Give me a text to ...
Красимир Нейчев's user avatar
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does edx marking bot screw up?

I submitted #Greedy and it was marked as wrong by #edx on a bunch of the criteria. I ran the program myself after and I get the correct answer for the criteria. Is this normal?
fuego pazzo's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why don't the problem set numbers correspond to the week numbers?

I am enrolled in the 2015 offering of the course on edX. I have already submitted Pset 0. I am trying to submit Pset 1 after listening to the Week 1 lessons. When I select courseware, then week 1, the ...
Natalia Gligor's user avatar
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3 answers

Cannot log in to submit

I cannot seem to log in to to submit my pset. I submited the link of the project in Scratch's library in CS50x 2015's studio but when I try to log in to edX, it says "...
Areef Ahmed's user avatar
4 votes
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Do I need to un-enroll?

I recently started CS50, but I'll have to finish it up in 2015. Do I need to un-enroll to start again?
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Is it necessary to submit the forms of all the psets to get an Honor code certificate?

All of my cs50x problem sets are graded without having submitted the forms at the end of the problem set specifications. Are these forms mandatory if you want the Honor Code certificate? The forms ...
user avatar
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How can I submit Pset0 if I have problems with the login?

I would like to submit pset0 but I cannot login; I receive the message that Email or password is incorrect. I think that the link I am using is good and I'm pretty much sure I'm typing everything ...
RobiZola's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I view and download my course certificate on edX?

I am taking cs50x via edX. It says in the FAQ that those who finish early will get a certificate issued on Sept 3rd but I did not see anything happen there. Where can I find the edX certificate once ...
Yan Gu's user avatar
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Pset5 is missing from the web site

I just watched the Week 5 lecture and now I notice there is no pset5 accessible on the web site. Do I miss something here? I also notice that there is no Week 6 on the web site.
Gerald Fuchs's user avatar
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Will the latest (upcoming) lectures still apply to the problem sets currently available on edX?

I am waiting for the Fall 2014 course to start at Harvard and planning/hoping to watch the latest lectures as they are released, to pursue my verified certificate via edX. My question is, will the ...
OzSciTech's user avatar
2 votes
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Can psets be graded a second time in edX?

I'm taking CS50 through edX. Is it possible to have a pset regraded after it was graded once?
LeeAnna Misterek's user avatar
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Are we allowed to use honor-code assignments for resubmitting to get the id verified certificate?

Right now I'm taking cs50 for the honor code certificate. But in the very near future I plan to get its id-verified certificate too. My question is: can I use the same assignments that I am doing ...
user1746's user avatar
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How Do We Download the Resources for Section 3?

I saw in the section 3 that for the regular cs50 class they had emailed the gdb file to them . I am taking the edx version so where do i download gdb from?
user1279's user avatar
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Still missing grades on four psets after one month

I am still missing the grades on psets 2, 3, 5 and 6, which I submitted about a month ago. I have already used the Google form for missing grades but it didn't help. What should I do?
user1272's user avatar
-5 votes
3 answers

After CS50 which course of harvard from David J. Malan Sir, you want to learn on edX? [closed]

After CS50 which course of harvard from David J. Malan Sir, you want to learn on edX ?? Computer Science S-1 Great Ideas in Computer Science Computer Science E-1 Understanding Computers and the ...
Rajdeep Gautam's user avatar
2 votes
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Where can we find Solution Code?

After we have finished the problem sets, is there a place where we can view the cs50 staff solution of a program? Sometimes i feel that there may be a more elegant way to solve a problem, but was ...
user1085's user avatar