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Questions tagged [final-project]

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Access just the text from a db.execute return

Evening all. I am working on my final project and have a question about db.execute. When I run my SQL search the return always has the format {"key": value}. Is there any way to then extract the ...
Ben Rogers's user avatar
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Final project without video / screencast

Is the video for the final project really necessary? I don't really have much to present and any technical information is in an "about" section on the website that i've made. Besides, i don't want to ...
siskil's user avatar
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Exceeded Request Quota for API error

I am using a map in my final project, which was working fine up until a couple of weeks ago, and now it says 'for development purposes only' on my map though I have changed no code. I am using the API ...
M. Alex's user avatar
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Javascript 'Undefined' Variable

I am trying to import values for coordinates using getJson however the map doesn't load now and if I try to print the coordinates in an alert box for testing purposes, it says 'undefined'. // get ...
M. Alex's user avatar
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Send Variable from Javascript to Flask Application

In a Javascript file scripts.js, how do you send a variable called place which contains information about a place (e.g. name, location, rating) to a Flask Python
M. Alex's user avatar
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Google Maps Places API Code Not Running - Final Project

I am quite far into my final project and needed either a database or software which would return places when given a keyword and an area as input. E.g. Restaurants in London. I tried using the ...
M. Alex's user avatar
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Mashup Search Box Not Filling Screen

In my final project, I am integrating a map and search box based on the Google Maps API used in Pset8 Mashup. My search box is creating a list of places, however the results it produces only fill part ...
M. Alex's user avatar
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Map Not Loading

In my final project, users can create an account as used in Pset7 Finance and I am including a map using the Google Maps API as used in Pset8 Mashup, however the map isn't loading. I have used code ...
M. Alex's user avatar
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Final Project TypeError: execute() got multiple values for argument

I have been working on my final project, which is a chat application. I am, however, facing a problem when it comes to sending the messages. I am implementing my project through an SQL database for ...
user3256's user avatar
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Final Project - Error: Templates Not Found

I have just started my final project and am simply trying to allow users to login and register however, when I run flask, I get an error: jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: homepage.html although all ...
M. Alex's user avatar
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completion and verified certificate

so i have completed all my psets with a score of atleast 70 % and higher , but i dont see any green banner on my gradebook page saying that i have passed or something..? another thing, for my final ...
user21692's user avatar
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Submiting Final Project

I've started CS50 because I want to become a game developer, so for my final project I wanted to make a simple game. My idea is to do it using Unreal Engine4 or Unity3D, but I don't know if it's ...
Everton Dalagnol's user avatar
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Does grading of final project use / require Cloud9IDE (by Harvard / edX)?

I've been having problems using the scipy library with the Cloud9 IDE since the beginning of December 2017 when AWS acquired Cloud9, which is affecting my final project. I wrote about this back in ...
Matt Friend's user avatar
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Final project: builtins.NameError NameError: name 'usd' is not defined

I'm working on my final project and when clicking on the link generated by the flask run command, I receive the following error: "builtins.NameError NameError: name 'usd' is not defined". I don't ...
WLC's user avatar
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Final project SQL Error: execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

EDITED I am working on a conversion table website as my final project. I am using a base unit multiplier to convert one unit to the other. So for example centimeter to yard would look like this. ...
SozDaneron's user avatar
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Cannot link to another template

I am creating a link using the <a href=...></a>html tag. But when I click on the link I get a 404 Not Found error. The template I am trying to redirect the user exists. Anyone got any idea ...
Teo Protoulis's user avatar
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Problem with flask

I install the socketio module with: pip install flask-socketio. After the installation I cannot run: flask run to enable the application. Is there any way to fix this because I want to use socketio ...
Teo Protoulis's user avatar
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JS Dropdown in final project

My final project is a conversion website. I am trying to make a dropdown menu that when you click one of the options in the DD, you are taken to another page. When I put in the following code (from ...
SozDaneron's user avatar
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How to get info from an asynchronous javascript function into html - help with callback function

For my final project, I am accessing an API, and I want to display data from that API in a web-page (the API provides data on forecast electricity generation from solar PV in the UK, it's provided by ...
Matt Friend's user avatar
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loading bootstrap to IDE

could you pls help me to load the Bootstrap 4 library to IDE? I want to have compiled css and js. CDN ver is not useful for me because I want to have custom styles. So now I do it like this: load ...
Artur Takoev's user avatar
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How do I cluster markers on a googlemap?

For my final project I'm creating a google map web app - building from what we learned in Pset8. I've got over 1,000 locations to add to my map - which looks pretty crowded, as you can see: I'm ...
Matt Friend's user avatar
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Don't understand why a function accessing an API is not returning a response

I'd appreciate some help with something I'm working on for my final project. I'm trying to create a web-app based on what we had to do for Pset8 - creating a google map that updates with information ...
Matt Friend's user avatar
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Importing to sqlite for final project

I'm having problems importing a file into an sqlite database for my final project. I have a .csv file which I want to import. I've created the table using the phplite GUI, with 14 fields (columns). ...
Matt Friend's user avatar
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Final Project with Google Maps ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE reply for index

I am working on my final project using Google Maps to make a game, and I keep running into the same error: didn’t send any data. ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE This always seems to happen ...
ssk4988's user avatar
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db.execute() executing only single time

When I enter amount, name, expinc in my html form it works for the first time, i.e. the entered data goes into database tables for the first time but whenever I try to enter data again it doesn't ...
whodunit's user avatar
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CS50's PHPLIteAdmin [duplicate]

I am currently working on my final project, and I need to create a database which contains a table with a FOREIGN KEY field. Unfortunately, I've constantly been getting errors. Upon Googling them, I ...
mathmagician's user avatar
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Final Project Search Suggestions

I'm currently working on my final project, a website. I'm trying to include a search suggestion box (typeahead), similar to that of pset8's. I tried to implement it similar to pset8's, but for some ...
Jason_V's user avatar
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final project submission CS50 2017

I try to submit my final project following steps from the project submission website Specifically, I did the following: update50 cd ~/workspace/project/ submit50 cs50/2017/x/project After that, I ...
Junbang Huang's user avatar
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Final Project help with centering html table

I'm currently working on the cs50 Final Project (a website). So I'm printing the data in a sqlite table as an html table for a page of my website. However, my table headers and data sometimes took up ...
Jason_V's user avatar
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Editable html table (PHP, MySQL) - doesn't save changes in database

For my final project, i'm trying to make my html tables editable by users, with updating data in MySQL. I've found in web a few js scripts for such case but no one works as needed. My result - ...
Ivanka D.'s user avatar
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CS50 Final Project: Dropdown Menu / Typeaheads

For my final project (a website where people can write diaries and read others' diaries), I am trying to implementing a search box where the user may search usernames to read others' diaries, so I ...
Alex Chan's user avatar
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Final Project - Help with setting up website

I'm currently starting my final project, a website I'm attempting to create. I'm running into some trouble, however, in setting up the website. To be more clear, I was watching the bootstrap tutorial ...
Jason_V's user avatar
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CS50 Final Project: Unique URL for each user of my flask app

For the final project, I am trying to implement a flask application where people may write diaries and read others' diaries. I would like to create a unique URL for each user that shows the diaries ...
Alex Chan's user avatar
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How to port/update data from another website to my website?

I know that I can insert images to my html page, but I would also like to be able to insert tables, or even better copy a table from another site to my own table in sqlite3 so that I can easily show ...
dumbitdownjr's user avatar
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How to make a "div" clickable using Jquery

How to make a div clickable using Jquery? I tried to do the below but nothing happens, why? $(".delete").on("click", function() { $(this).closest(".card").remove(); }); }) full code: $(...
SamGal's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin missing from the CS50 IDE dr0p down menu

I've been trying to access the phpMyAdmin database linked to my CS50 final project but when I recently accessed the CS50 IDE the phpMyAdmin tab has gone missing from the CS50 IDE drop down menu (see ...
Mark Edwards's user avatar
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SQL Query showing as undefined

I have a database and I want to count the number of times a state shows up in it. I wanted to use this number later for calculations. However, when I try to do something like this (which correctly ...
K. Rich's user avatar
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Final PHP/HTML Integration

I have a list of links that all link to the same page. I want to make it so that depending on which one of the links you click, the page will render differently. So for example, you're on list.php. ...
K. Rich's user avatar
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nanosleep function Implicit deceleration

I am working on my Final Project and I need to use the nanosleep function which suspends my program for a specified number of seconds. I tried to test this function first before using it in my actual ...
A.Emad's user avatar
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Can't upload my final project

I want to know if anyone else is having this problem, I'm trying to upload my video for my final project, which is shorter than 2 minutes, but the upload just hangs and never finishes, I've already ...
Alejandro Aristizábal's user avatar
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Stuck on final project

I am implementing a tic-tac-toe AI in jquery. I am almost done, but I seem to have a problem with my check_winner() function. It is basicly the same thing as the c version. It checks rows, cols, ...
William Cullian's user avatar
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I am getting an unexpected sizeof() error

I am using a BIT filed varibale in a struct to Modify the size of the data type. I need this struct to be exactly equals 1. According to my calculations it is equal to 10 but when I use the sizeof() ...
A.Emad's user avatar
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I am getting a weird implicit declaration in C

I am using this function usleep() which is suppose to stop any operation for several seconds. Any way I get this error while trying to compile my code stream.c:28:4: error: implicit declaration of ...
A.Emad's user avatar
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Error in my final project

So I am working on my final project and when I try to compile I get this error : mpg.c:169:1: error: expected '}' ^ mpg.c:133:2: note: to match this '{' { ^ mpg.c:169:1: error: expected '}' ^ mpg.c:...
A.Emad's user avatar
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Video for final project?

Will a video made by a cellphone camera that is 2MP be acceptable instead of a screen cast ? And can someone recommend me some more screen cast softwares that records in .mov format and is free beside ...
Furrukh Jamal's user avatar
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When the Final Project is completed where do I submit it?

Havent finished my final project as yet but was just wondering where do I have to submit it when its done, I think its stated the edx students just have to make a 2 min video but where do we have to ...
Furrukh Jamal's user avatar
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Jpegs in phpmyadmin?

Is there a way to submit jpegs to the database and then later retrieve it through the query function provided by the staff for cs50 finanace? if yes what would the column configuration for database ...
Furrukh Jamal's user avatar
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permission problems for Final Project

For the final project I am reusing the staff provided framework for pset7 but I cant seem to get the permissions right and get the default page to load though I cant seem to find what am I doing wrong....
Furrukh Jamal's user avatar
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Final Project Question

I am currently on pset8 and its really giving me a hard time, when not doing pset8 my mind sometimes wander over the ideas for final project, wanna ask like in pset7 we passed querys to select,delete ...
Furrukh Jamal's user avatar
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Can a website access a mysql database of another website?

I have just started pset 8 and I am just reading through the documentations, and also thinking abt the final project, just had an idea and now the thought of it is taking my attention away from my ...
Furrukh Jamal's user avatar